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    January 21, 2022 · Data centre SG,facilities manage SG,data centre solution,Video conferencing,singapore
    Have you ever wondered why Facebook and Google grew exponentially into multi-billion companies? It is because of data. No, they don't directly sell users' data to earn millions of dollars. Instead, they use it for targeted marketing. And data is the holy grail for businesses in this digital era....
    January 20, 2022 · data centre company,Huawei Ideahub,Prefabricated data,data centre consult
    Did you know that one of the most valuable assets to your business can’t be touched at all? The data and information that your company stores can be used for many crucial business decisions. They’re sensitive and valuable, and if lost, they can cripple your business.  But even if your data is...
    January 5, 2022 · Data centre SG,facilities manage SG,data centre solution,Video conferencing,singapore
    The advancement of technological means and devices transformed the way companies conduct their daily operations. There is a growing demand to establish digital initiatives to keep up with the evolving aspects of science and technology. One example would be a data centre in Singapore that houses...
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